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Want to expand your network business to the world?


Clickmaster can help you!

Real traffic, real clicks, real advertising


$ 50 - 5000 clickstream

$ 100 - 10500 clickstream

$ 200 - 22500 clickstream

$ 400 - 500 000 clickstream

$ 1,000 150 000 clickstream


How can I confirm my site been visited after puchase?
Our system has a reporting feature that allows you to check your visitor volume. In addition, you can also view Google analysis tools to confirm your page views increase.

Do Clickmaster can provide any benefits to promote your company?
Our purpose is to service in accordance with the high standards of quality, but also take into account an attractive and competitive price tag, so what we provided to you has become an important tool for the development and must be worthy for you.

Through the acquisition ClickMaster service, you can increase the visibility which will lead to reach more potential customers, increase your profits and indirectly increase your business.

Register fro Clickmaster


1. Register

2. Fill in the registration information

Registration information must be consistent with the LibertaGia account information in oder to transfer money to clickmaster in the future.

3. Top up fund

Can directly use LibertaGia balance to top up, at least $ 50

4. Use points collected from Kits to purchase ad click

Fill in your website address, title, description, which country that you want to be published (blank = Global National)

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